Sounds on the court
"Clank." Off the backboard, the shot goes awry
"Tick, tick." Ten seconds were left on the clock
Sneakers squeak and we all hustle and try;
Panting in the lane, snatching at the rock
Ball drops into my hands, wouldn't you know
Cheers so loud we could barely even listen,
Down by twenty points just five minutes ago
"Pound, pound." I could feel my heart glisten
Here we are now just trailing by a deuce
The gasp in the crowd suggested some stress
"Bounce." I dribbled up court running loose
An easy lay-up, to miss would be a mess
Suddenly one yells: "Watch out for that tree!"
Distracted, I had to remain very calm,
So, I pulled up at the top of the key
The ball left my hand with a flick of my palm
Complete silence filled that gym with a wish
The horn sounded and then it was "swish"